Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

With technological advancement we have seen a lot of progress in every aspect. As we progress, we witness huge dependency on technology because it has formed an integral part of our lives. The electronic devices that we use have made life so convenient that a day without one’s mobile phone cannot be imagined. There was a time when there were no phones but after phones were introduced to the globalized world, it started occupying a special place in our lives.

As there have been technological advancement for the betterment of mankind one needs to be alert as well because along with the progress there also have been various crimes that occur online. It is just one click and we can invest our funds or its just one click and we can purchase whatever we want but also it is just one click that can make us lose a lot and it is just one click that can cause a great loss because stealing is just not restricted to physical realm, but it has entered the virtual realm as well.

Various Applications that can be installed in the phones further made our lives much more convenient but with this progress one needs to be alert and careful about the rise in the fraud and cheating that takes place very rampantly through these online mediums. There is an increase in the number of frauds that are occurring, and many have been affected through it. Thus, we need to be prudent before we share any information that is confidential. We also need to be careful before downloading any applications or browsing through any sites.

With changing times and trends there is also a quick change in the technology. The pace at which everything is getting digitalized is something that cannot be imagined. Within no time there are new developments that take place in the digitalized arena. At the same time, one also needs to be careful about the increase in the cybercrimes that is witnessed in the society.

Various crimes that were not thought of in the past have made way through the fast progress of technology. Crimes such as cyber stalking, cyber breach of privacy etc. are crimes that are serious in nature and need to be tackled well. There are also different kinds of online frauds that have increased drastically. Thus, the laws need to catch pace with the changing times and trends in the society so that crimes that are related to technology can be tackled in an appropriate manner.

How can one stay alert and protected from online frauds that are occurring rampantly these days? Some of the best ways to keep yourself safe from online frauds would be:

To never share any personal information pertaining to one’s PIN, CVV or OTP and other credentials which may seem personal. Despite ample of messages and emails being sent by banks yet there are a lot of calls, messages and emails that are fake and clicking on such links can cause great loss.

Also download applications only after verifying whether they are authentic so that one can stay safe from the various frauds that occur through various applications.

Any prize or gift that you receive from any stranger in the name of lucky draw or jackpot needs to make one alert on being asked about the bank details.

Do not share passwords with strangers even if such calls seem to be made by banks or other financial institutions. Any sensitive personal details should never be shared with anyone however genuine they may seem.

These days there is a rise in the fake messages that we receive. Even emails are a medium for scammers to deceive the people. Financial scams are on a rise and one needs to stay alert. At times you may receive messages from banks claiming that your account shall be deactivated and to keep it active you are asked to share your personal details. In such a situation do not panic or do not get scared that your account will be deactivated instead contact your bank and understand why and how you have received the message or an email.

Even investment scams are a risk these days and one needs to stay alert. Any calls that seem to be from the banks or financial institutions need to be cross-verified. Never share your personal data panicking that your account shall be deactivated instead get the calls, messages and any other medium of communication cross-verified so that you are not tricked or deceived. Always beware on being asked your personal as well as financial information.

Any message communicated to you related to any problem pertaining to your payments, withdrawals or financial activities should not let you panic and make you give out your personal data instead get yourself directly and personally connected to the financial institution to know whether there has been any genuine issue pertaining to your finances. Out of panic and fear never click on any links that are sent to you.


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