Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

India is officially known as the Republic of India. As per Article 1 of the Constitution of India- The territory of India comprises of the States, Union Territories and other territories as may be acquired. The First Schedule of the Constitution of India mentions the names of the States and the Union Territories.

The Constitution of India has a Preamble which begins with the words ‘We the People’. Preamble is an introduction to the statute. It is like a preface of what one is about to read and it aids in understanding the purpose of the statute. Preamble also contains the main aims and objectives of the statute.

As per the Preamble to the Constitution of India it is the people who adopt, enact and give the Constitution to themselves. This opening statement ‘We the People’ is also very important to remind us that it is the people who give power to the Government so that it can be exercised for the common good.

India is Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic. India has a federal structure and a bicameral legislative body. The Parliament comprises of two Houses namely: The Council of States and the House of the People.

What does the term Republic mean? In simple words the term Republic means the State in which the supreme power is held by the people and the elected representatives are given power and authority to exercise it for the common good. A Republic State does not have a Monarch and the entire sovereignty rests with the people.

India became a free nation from the British rule on August 15, 1947 and it declared itself as a Sovereign, Democratic and Republic State with the adoption of the Constitution on January 26, 1950.

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land and it give the citizens of India the power to choose our own government paving way for democracy in our society. The term democracy in simple words would mean the government that is chosen by the people.

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